Canyoning Verdon

Canyoning au coeur des gorges du Verdon
Canyoning dans le ravin de Main morte
Descente en rappel dans le Verdon
Nage dans le Verdon

Full day trip canyoning, located at 45 minutes drive from Castellane.
Canyon full day, 45 minutes from Castellane.

Canyon of Main Morte is composed of several distinct sections:
A first dry part mini zip lines and abseils in an exceptional landscape, then a second aquatic part where you will discover the Grand Canyon du Verdon, to the most inaccessible gorges.

This course is suitable only for very athletic people.

Canyoning very sporty at the heart of the Verdon Gorges in the canyon of Main Morte

Technical sheet

Canyon de Main Morte

  • Difficulty : Very sporty
  • Period : All year
  • Minimum age : 16 years
  • Walk to go : 10 min
  • Walk to return : 1h00
  • Activity duration : 5h00
  • Total duration : 6h30
  • Equipment to bring : Swimsuit, running shoes, sportswear, bottle of water, picnic.
  • Appointment : 9.00 AM, La Palud sur Verdon (04)
  • Compulsory jump : No
  • Compulsory abseiling : 50 meters (164 feet)
  • Price per person : 75
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The canyoning trail of Main Morte is probably one of the most beautiful canyon of Provence. It’s a winding rift with no equivalent in the heart of the Grand Canyon.

The first section of the canyon consists of a dry path with impressive abseils (the last one is nearly 50 meters high) while the second part is more aquatic. You will have to walk up the Grand Canyon to the Imbut, highlight of this trail.

After a 6 hours trail, a last effort would be necessary to get out of the canyon by taking a very high grounded path with an incredible view over the Verdon.

This trail is available all yearlong because of its dry first section and the necessity of a reasonable current in the second part, allowing to walk up the Verdon.

This is a very demanding trail for people in good shape and with no vertigo only.

If you’re looking for something less physical and more playful, check out the trails we propose in Nice (Clue du Riolan) for an unforgettable day. For an initiation or activities for the all family, try our trail in Castellane (Haut-Jabron).

Description Canyoning : Canyon de Main Morte

When you arrive at the meeting spot, your certified instructor will provide all the equipment you need for a safe practice of canyoning. It includes a full neoprene wetsuit adjusted to your body, a pair of neoprene socks, a helmet, a harness with double safety lanyards, a bag and a waterproof container to carry your meal and belongings.

After a 15 minutes walk down to the canyon, your instructor will inform the group of all the security warnings in order to enjoy canyoning safely.

Canyon of Main Morte starts with a walk down a rift leading to the first abseil. The rift become deeper to offer you a landscape worthy of a caving trail. You will go on with several abseils ( from 5 to 25 meters high) and a zip above a deep pool to finally reach the last abseil of more than 45 meters high, finishing the first part in the water of the Verdon.

You will enjoy a lunch break before suiting up for the second part in the water. You will have to walk up the Grand Canyon of the Verdon on about 3 kilometers in a spectacular setting. Then the Imbut awaits you, crumbled rocks covering the Verdon to create a 100 meters long underground river.

The trail is ending by a high grounded walk for about 1 hour. After you reach the crest road, an extra 15 minutes walk will lead you to your vehicles. Enjoy the outstanding view over a 400 meters high cliff to observe the Grand Canyon.

Localisation Canyoning : Canyon de Main Morte

You can use map to find your way and calculate your route clicking on the marker. The travel time estimated by Google have to be increased of 20 %, what is equivalent to our small mountain roads.

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