Canyoning Verdon

Initiation escalade dans le Verdon
Escalade dans le Verdon
Escalade dans le Verdon
Grande voie d\'escalade dans le Verdon

Climb a mythical place of climbing, famous in the whole world.

From single pitch of 20 meters to the big wall of 300 meters in the heart of Europe's largest canyon.

Alone, in pairs, or in groups, we will find a course suitable for your needs to find a great activity, supervised by a passionate guide.

Rock cilmbing in the Verdon Gorges

Technical sheet

Rock climbing

  • Difficulty : All level
  • Period : From April to September
  • Minimum age : 8 tears
  • Activity duration : 2h30
  • Total duration : 3h00
  • Equipment to bring : Sportswear, running shoes, bottle of water
  • Appointment : 9.00 AM
  • Price per person : 45
Book Now

The wide variety of the trails in the Verdon allows everyone to enjoy the most beautiful and vertical adventures.

Beginners, advanced climbers or occasional climbers, the Gorges du Verdon welcome you!

If you are a thrill seeker and if you like magnificent views, come and climb with us to share our passion and love for nature.

From the initiation to climbing to the main lines of several hundred meters we have the activity fit to you.

You will share with us the highlights in a friendly environment supervised by professionals.

Many cliffs allow beginners to discover the activity safely.

For climbers who already practiced, you will find here all level of difficulties.

Contemplate the natural and beautiful environment of the Verdon Gorges where vultures seem to watch over men, casual visitors of this magical place.

Beginners or experienced ones, come share our passion safely.

Do not hesitate to contact us to acknowledge our rates and conditions.

Fiche technique


  • Difficulty : All level
  • Period : De Avril à Septembre
  • Age minimum : 16 years
  • Total time of the activity : from 3h untill 6h
  • Equipment to bring : Swimsuit, running shoes, lunch, bottle of water.
  • Appointment : Depending on the route
  • Price : Depending on the route


Localisation Escalade sportive : Rock climbing

You can use map to find your way and calculate your route clicking on the marker. The travel time estimated by Google have to be increased of 20 %, what is equivalent to our small mountain roads.

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